Monday, September 25, 2017

Day 8: Mon, Sept. 25 ~Aloo Gobi~

Aloo Gobi, or Potato and Cauliflower Curry
From PCRM 21 Day Kickstart.

I love their recipes. Usually simple, straightforward, and the meal plans are nice because they take ingredients into account (making shopping easier).

Jesse said I could just make this every night - so guess it's a winner.

Day 7: Sun, Sept. 24 ~Chop Suey

Chop Suey

Jesse was so super nice to make dinner. Lovely Chop Suey. He added tofu, and a bit of green curry paste. I personally prefer the traditional, but it was an interesting change.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Day3: Tuesday, September 19 ~Bangin' Bowls ~

~Bangin' Bowls ~

Another Happy Herbivore meal. Every once in a while, I would sign up for her meal plan service at Her regular site:

So, anyway - now I have a bunch of plans just sitting in my email, and I'm working from them this week. I don't want to post anything she hasn't already put out there for free - so I'll just give you an overview...

Brown rice
 - added quinoa in with it because I swear I have a giant bag of rice but haven't found it. Could it be that we've eaten through 20 pounds of brown rice in a year? Or was it 50?


Bang Bang sauce (her recipe), called that for its addition of chili paste. 
Jesse says it tastes like onion ring sauce.

Roasted chickpeas
-put chickpeas on parchment paper, 375, about 15 minutes. I love them! I had to make myself stop eating them so we could have some with dinner. I think they're better if they aren't too dried out (then it's just overly hard/crunchy)....but to each their own. 

Optional Avocado - and why not?

Throw it all together. Yum! 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Day 2: Monday, September 18 ~ Thai Peanut Sweet Potatoes ~

~ Thai Peanut Sweet Potatoes ~

Wanted something that was barely cooking, and apart from gathering the sauce ingredients, this fit the bill. :) 

Got this from Happy Herbivore. OMG - this sauce is AMAZING! So good, I could just drink it....
Can't post the exact recipe here, but a very similar sauce:
Essentially, on that page she recommends using coconut milk, which the recipe I used calls for in the amount of a cup instead of the tablespoon listed on her site. And....we don't have milk of any kind in the house for some reason, but we do have coconut milk yogurt. So, being the adventurer I am, used 1/2 cup this and 1/2 cup water. Think it evened out pretty well. 

Just microwaved the potatoes and frozen broccoli, zooted the sauce, and done. Bam.
Oh yeah, put Sriracha on top just for myself, and cause it's pretty. Of course, you can tell that I am the one that took this photograph (instead of Jesse), because unless you read all of these probably can't tell what this is from the picture. ;0

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Day 1: Sun, Sept. 17 ~ Carrot Dogs ~

~ Carrot Dogs ~

First of all - good, and good substitute for whatever is in hot dogs normally. That said, this was definitely one of the more interesting WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based)/vegan/vegetarian attempts. 

We were both very grossed out by something that smelled SO much like hot dogs, but wasn't. I guess that's the whole point. I've learned that through this journey - it really is the spice and method of cooking that makes the meal - but this was just a little disconcerting. 
We will definitely be doing this again, because Jesse is addicted to hot dogs but trying to stay away from meat. I'm going to just put it out there that we also hope to one day expand our family, and processed meats are on the 'no' this meal will be resurfacing. 

It looks like a hot dog when all the stuff is on it (and its in a bun - like I said we haven't tended our kitchen lately, and found out ours were moldy!). It smells like a hot dog, and tastes like a hot dog. It just isn't a hot dog, and therefore a little strange. But so doable, and yummy!

Alrighty, here's the recipe. **Needs marinating - so allow that time!
Peel carrots. Boil till fork tender (very important to get right texture here!). Marinate overnight , or at least 4 hours for best result. 

Carrot marinade:
1cup veggie broth
Seasoned rice vinegar I used less than a fourth cup
A hit of reduced sodium soy sauce 
1tbs mustard of choice
1tsp garlic powder 
A few shakes of smoked paprika to taste
1/8 tsp liquid smoke  (optional - we used it, but some people say really just the paprika gives it enough 'smokiness'. You can find liquid smoke with the ketchup/vinegar/sauces at the grocery store.)

I cooked them on my fancy Martha Stewart panini pan so it has little 'grill marks'. :) It is recommended to cook them on the stove so the marinade caramelizes. I'm thinking in the future I may do it like this, then do a reheat on the grill just for fun? :)