~Bangin' Bowls ~
Another Happy Herbivore meal. Every once in a while, I would sign up for her meal plan service at www.getmealplans.com. Her regular site: https://happyherbivore.com/
So, anyway - now I have a bunch of plans just sitting in my email, and I'm working from them this week. I don't want to post anything she hasn't already put out there for free - so I'll just give you an overview...
Brown rice
- added quinoa in with it because I swear I have a giant bag of rice but haven't found it. Could it be that we've eaten through 20 pounds of brown rice in a year? Or was it 50?
Bang Bang sauce (her recipe), called that for its addition of chili paste.
Jesse says it tastes like onion ring sauce.
Roasted chickpeas
-put chickpeas on parchment paper, 375, about 15 minutes. I love them! I had to make myself stop eating them so we could have some with dinner. I think they're better if they aren't too dried out (then it's just overly hard/crunchy)....but to each their own.
Optional Avocado - and why not?
Throw it all together. Yum!

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