Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 3: Sunday Sept 30

Lotsa Vegetable Chowder

This is from the Forks Over Knives cookbook that my brother so kindly gave me for my birthday! :)

First bite, I thought - ah...something new to add to my comfort food list (and this one isn't bad for me! ;0). Unfortunately, Jesse had the opposite reaction. I think it's the Thyme. We don't use this spice a lot, and this recipe calls for a lot of it! Well...more for me. :)

Speaking of spices - I used dried herbs, so I halved what it called for. Also, as you might have read yesterday - no broccoli, and I didn't have cauliflower 'stalks' saved - so I just used the regular cauliflower florets. Recipe went along as normal. I guess if you don't want to deal with the corn on the cob, you can just use canned corn. :)

Since today's family day this is coming along with me to add to my mom's feast, and the rest is going to the freezer in individual containers so I don't have any crazy last minute nonsense for lunch this week. :)

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