Saturday, June 27, 2015

90 Day Challenge! Day 1: Saturday, 6/27 ~ Buffalo Falafel ~

90 Day Challenge
6/27/15 - 9/27/15

Cook food at home! 

That is our number one priority!
While our ideal diet would be 80% plant-strong (no-oil vegan), unprocessed, homemade everything, and totally vegetarian - our bottom line is cooking it at home, no matter what it is! You'll see us eating dairy, and occasionally meat I'm sure. This is not about fighting food addictions, or perfect clean eating. I am currently baking a chocolate chip pan cookie. ( I did use flaxseed egg replacement, but that was because I do not have eggs on hand!) So....not about perfection. What I know is that the more I make things at home, and the more I start exercising (also not part of this blog), the more I will want to eat better things, and even pan cookies will go by the wayside for a while. 

We're posting every day. Not promising every day will be a victory, or a gourmet meal, but accountability does wonders for progress!

Day 1: Saturday, 6/27

~ Buffalo Falafel ~

A spicy way to kick things off - both verbally and gastronomically! The voice in my head reading these recipes is Samuel L's. If Jesse and I read them aloud, we can barely understand what is being said because of all the hesitations and substitutions. ;0
But - they definitely make me laugh. And they will definitely make you come back for more!

My first batch I had a little trouble. I used crumbled crackers instead of bread crumbs - not sure if that was the difference. Probably also should have added a little water. The second batch I refrigerated first before baking, and they turned out great.
These are a little different than the Falafel you might get at a restaurant - namely because they are not fried!
We also just used commercial Buffalo sauce because we had some open (and shoot - we're cooking one thing already, right?). ;0 We just had them on their own. So yummy and very filling!

So, that was our lupper at about 4:30/5, and now at 11:30 I'm about to have a piece of this pan cookie.

As I mentioned, I used flaxseed instead of egg. 1 Tbsp flaxseed meal (ground flaxseed) with 3 Tbsp water, let sit a few minutes - watch it congeal, sorta neat. :) This equals 1 egg. Adds fiber, reduces cholesterol. In a cookie like this, no one would ever know the difference.
Fortunately, Jesse is not a chocolate lover. He may take a crumb from the corner of a piece - and the rest will be donated to my family tomorrow. :)
And, no....dinner will not usually be a cookie. Saturdays are always a little odd, and today he's at D&D. Which means the cats and I have time to bake. Any vapors of guilt I might have about posting this for Day 1 are evaporated with the smile of doing something I love, with the 'people' I love. :)

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