Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 4: Tuesday, June 30th ~ Saladous Maximus: The Vegestator ~

Tuesdays are going to be a little rough for me. I work in Southfield on Tuesdays. Liv works all day and then has a night class. I have to drive home past every kind of fast food place imaginable, including my unicorn: Del Taco. I've never eaten there, but want to and I pass it on my way to and from the fair city of Southfield.
 Anyway, tonight I have leftovers from the last two days to consider eating. But I felt like building The Vegestator anyway. It is a salad. I've never been a fan of salad until I realized one thing: Iceburg lettuce is a waste of my dang time. Iceburg lettuce is a waste of space and time and should be forced into extinction. Just drink water instead. Sheesh.

Saladous Maximus: The Vegestator

1 bunch kale
1 bunch red kale
1 bunch spinach
1 bunch dandelion leaves (just to freak people out)
2 or three carrots
1 can garbanzo beans
4 boiled eggs
cherry or grape tomatoes or regular tomatoes on the vine or whatever tomatoes you want.

Rinse all this stuff. Cut it up into bite size pieces. Mix it up in the biggest bowl you have. Sliver the boiled egg if you want to impress people.

Eat your salad and be astonished that you feel full. Make a lame joke about eating what your food eats or however it goes. Tell everyone you were vegetarian for one evening.

This makes, I don't know, a bunch of servings. I like to keep the greens in a huge plastic bowl with some water in it and add carrots and maters and eggs and beans to single servings when the time comes to eat. You can do however you want. Just don't let me hear that you put iceburg lettuce in there.

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