Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 43: Friday, Nov 30 ~ Sweet potato, topped with black beans ~Chocolate Banana 'Milkshake' ~

~ Sweet potato, topped with black beans ~ Chocolate Banana 'Milkshake' ~

So tonight Jesse is off on a comic adventure and I'm still trying to wrap up all this schoolwork.
Quick and easy is the name of the game! (also, he's got the camera - so no pics tonight I'm afraid!)
Sweet potato, topped with black beans
Saw this 'recipe' on the Engine 2 site. I baked the sweet potato in the microwave, heated up the beans, combined - voila! Nothing more to say.... ;o except...omg is this good! :) It would probably be even more healthy and balanced with some greens on the side, but I could only eat half as it was - very filling! :)
Chocolate Banana 'Milkshake'
I also decided to treat myself as I've plugged back into using my exercise bike, even doing so today on my own versus crashing on the couch with the cats. I saw a recipe for something similar, and thought I should try it out.
Here's what I did:
- 2 small bananas, frozen (be smart and peel and chop the bananas then put in freezer! I had to skin 
   mine under running hot water...)
- 3 teaspoons of cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 dash (tsp) vanilla extract
- 1 cup soymilk
Blend like crazy until desired consistency.
Here's what I will do to improve:
This was SO filling - much more so than a 'regular' milkshake! I think next time I'll just use 1 banana, possibly less soymilk as well (as I had to put half of it away for later anyway!)
Also - you really don't need 3 tsp of cocoa. Now, anyone that knows me knows I'm serious about chocolate - but (I can't believe I'm saying this) - this was too much, like Burger King shake syrupy chocolaty tasting almost (without the sick aftereffect though!). probably don't need the sugar - taste and see what works for you.
So - the next time I will try:
- 1 banana frozen (and prechopped!)
- 1 tsp. cocoa powder
- 1 dash vanilla
- 3/4 c. soymilk
Blend like crazy until desired consistency. And use a straw to drink because that's just cooler.
I felt pretty good about this creation. I know that all of these things are in line with how I want to be eating, will not hurt me (finding that I'm feeling so much better off dairy!), are even GOOD for me....and more importantly, this tasted even better than a shake from a fast food place - AND I didn't end up with a tummy ache or headache after!
I had reconsidered making this (after watching Biggest Loser while on my bike and thinking hmm...I've got a lot of weight to lose) - but then I reconsidered because if eating healthy substitutions like this will help me stay plant-strong (and these have much less calories and much more nutrition!) - then why not? I am going to find a way to have my cake and eat it too - Yum! :)

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