Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day 21: Friday, July 17th ~ 5-Spice Fried Rice with Sweet Potatoes ~

Day 21: Friday, July 17th 
~ 5-Spice Fried Rice with Sweet Potatoes ~

Today, we're heading back to good and good for you. We have been wanting to try the Chinese 5-Spice blend for some time. We kept seeing recipes that called for it, and just omitting it because we hadn't picked it up. Then it sat on our shelf for a bit while we went on the fast-food binge...okay, maybe a year? excited to find a recipe with this in the title. 
It smelled SOOOO good in our house! Actually, I could smell it on Jesse's shirt when he came to pick me up. :) That helped me get past the Little Caesar's! 
This was a fabulous dish. Also, so pretty and orange! Definitely a keeper.

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