Friday, July 3, 2015

Day 7: Fri, July 3rd ~ Buttermilk Biscuits, Homemade Hashbrowns, and Scrambled Eggs ~

Day 7: Fri, July 3rd
~ Buttermilk Biscuits, Homemade Hashbrowns, and Scrambled Eggs ~

Every day fighting off the urge to 'just buy something' is another victory. Sometimes 'lazy' days are harder. I decided that it really is just not worth it (all the waste associated with eating out) - and made myself walk into the kitchen. A miraculous thing happened then. After a quick tidy up session, I felt ready to cook. And I wanted breakfast. 

This was my first official attempt at making biscuits. I was so happy to use the biscuit cutter my parents got me from THF Village. :)

When trying something new....always look to Martha first!

I also thought I'd surprise Jesse with hashbrowns. Put potatoes through a quick run through the food processor, and you are ready to go. I was not patient enough initially with cooking them, thought maybe the oven would brown them better - then researched it, and saw that it would be about 45 minutes minimum. Uh, no...I was hungrier than that! We ended up pan frying with some cookspray. Yes - I should have taken my own advice and looked at Martha first!
And to round off the breakfast plate - scrambled eggs and orange slices.

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