Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 33: Wednesday, July 29th ~ Buddha's Delight ~

Day 33: Wednesday, July 29th 
Buddha's Delight ~

After our junk fest the last few days, my body was screaming at me to eat some veggies! I told Jesse no matter what, we were going to have this for dinner. He was so great to get it started, and finished it up while I crashed on the couch after work.

Buddha's Delight from Happy Herbivore

It was delicious! Very flavorful. Jesse added celery as we didn’t have any cabbage (and he was unsure if we had greens still? Hmm)….but it gave it a nice touch. A lot of times people feel celery doesn’t have any flavor – but adding it to a stir-fry or other cooked dish really does have an impact. 

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