Day 9: Sun, July 6th
~ Pizza ~
You'll see us make a lot of pizza. This has always been our big trap. I remember growing up pizza was a 'sometimes' food. It seems there have been some weeks lately where we almost lived on it. Yet, it consistently makes Jesse ill (and is SO incredibly expensive now!!) .So.....I have decided to figure out a way to make better pizza at home, and make it so he is not sick.
This is titled the 'Perfect Pizza Dough Recipe', so it sounded like a good place to start. My mom sent me this link. :)
I know that I have my grandmother's recipe somewhere - and all of her baking is legendary. I'm planning to try out a recipe once a week or so and pick out our top favorites. Then, to make things really simple for those 'don't feel like cooking' days - go ahead and pre-bake some crusts, put in freezer, and we're good to go.
Speaking of 'don't feel like cooking' thing we're noticing this time around - apart from the brief struggles in the moment to get things started - we have not really been tempted to buy out. The last time we did this, there were some days (not a ton, but some) where we might even buy out breakfast and/or lunch, but adhere to the dinner rule - as that was our initial goal and 'commitment'. So far, we've gotten 2 drinks but no food out. Can't believe it's already Day 9!
This heartens me a great deal. It means to me that progress is never really lost. Sure, as Paula Abdul says - you can take 2 steps forward, then 2 steps back....but then once you get past the emotional part of having to 'reboot' - it's actually much easier the next time around. You have a depth of skills, experience, and memories acting as a foundation. Go change! :)
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