Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 9: Sun, July 5th ~ Pizza ~

Day 9: Sun, July 6th 
~ Pizza ~

You'll see us make a lot of pizza. This has always been our big trap. I remember growing up pizza was a 'sometimes' food. It seems there have been some weeks lately where we almost lived on it. Yet, it consistently makes Jesse ill (and is SO incredibly expensive now!!) .
So.....I have decided to figure out a way to make better pizza at home, and make it so he is not sick.
This is titled the 'Perfect Pizza Dough Recipe', so it sounded like a good place to start. My mom sent me this link. :)

I know that I have my grandmother's recipe somewhere - and all of her baking is legendary. I'm planning to try out a recipe once a week or so and pick out our top favorites. Then, to make things really simple for those 'don't feel like cooking' days - go ahead and pre-bake some crusts, put in freezer, and we're good to go.

Speaking of 'don't feel like cooking' thing we're noticing this time around - apart from the brief struggles in the moment to get things started - we have not really been tempted to buy out. The last time we did this, there were some days (not a ton, but some) where we might even buy out breakfast and/or lunch, but adhere to the dinner rule - as that was our initial goal and 'commitment'. So far, we've gotten 2 drinks but no food out. Can't believe it's already Day 9!

This heartens me a great deal. It means to me that progress is never really lost. Sure, as Paula Abdul says - you can take 2 steps forward, then 2 steps back....but then once you get past the emotional part of having to 'reboot' - it's actually much easier the next time around. You have a depth of skills, experience, and memories acting as a foundation. Go change! :)

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