Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 19: Tuesday Oct 16

Spinach-Laced Spaghetti with Spicy "Meatballs"

Well...lots of spinach and spaghetti sauce leftover coupled with the need for something super quick to make up for our schedule upheaval yesterday (spending the night at Belle Tire - replacing only the battery thank God! :) )....anyway, thus is born Spinach-Laced Spaghetti.
And - I had to try my idea on making meatballs out of the recipe from yesterday! Used a little less of the spice mix, and added in some Italian Medley/basil, oregano, etc. I think they turned out pretty good. :)

Actually, this is inspired in part by the 'Rustic Pasta' recipe in "The Kind Diet" by Alicia Silverstone. That is an awesome, filling dish. Instead of the whole cabbage head we usually do half and then substitute some kale or whatever darker greens we have on hand. We also add in some peppers and tomatoes to make it a little more 'traditional' pasta - Alicia's not keen on these usually because they are nightshade foods, not macrobiotically-sound for those with inflammation issues I believe? But they're yummy. And we eat them in abundance anyway. Someone else's take on it/incl. recipe: http://fueledbyvegetables.com/2012/08/24/vegan-rustic-pasta/

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