Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 5: Tuesday Oct 23 ~ Super Salad ~

 ~ Super Salad ~

So today Jesse continues his birthday week glut fest at Half-Time with his mom tonight, and I have dinner on my own while scouring through my textbooks. While I can't honestly say that their super fried burgers, fries, and poppers didn't turn my head for a minute - I can say that I am happy about my choice tonight. I feel like my insides need a little purifying - so tonight, a big salad made super easy. "Tender Greens" bagged salad on sale at Meijer last week - put in bowl, topped with some strawberries and blackberries from the freezer, a handful of sunflower seeds, a dash of Braggberry dressing - voila! Had a giant glass of ice water with lemon and I'm feeling soooo much better now! :)

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