Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 9: Saturday Oct 6

Jesse's Squash Medallions

Liv wasn't feeling too great. She went horizontal and is now sleeping next to an unconscious cat or two. So fasten yer seatbelts gang, I'm taking this train off the rails.
Today was very autumny, so I thought squash would be a good idea. Here's what I did:
I took one (1) squash. The kind that looks like this:

I cut it into round medallions. The closer they are to a uniform thickness, the better. It's kind of tough to cut, so they won't be perfect. Neither I nor the squash police will give you any hassle about their uniformity. The oven might give you grief though, as the thicker ones will need more bake time than the thinner ones.

Arrange your medallions on a baking sheet. I did spritz on a little bit of cooking spray, to be honest I don't know if that's necessary. I'll bet if you use some parchment paper it is not. But I did and there's no taking that back now.

Then I liberally sprinkled on the sea salt. Seasoned salt, celery salt, or mundane salt would be fine.

Bake medallions for 30 mins at 325 degrees.

Remove from oven. I suggest a nice pot holder or 'Ove' Glove.
There you go. Eat now. You'll probably want a salad or some kind of beans with it, they're more of a side than an entree.

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