Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 49: Thursday Dec 6 ~ Veggie Subs

We were tempted to get Subway for whatever reason today. But I said, 'No'. I said, "No, I will not do it." I went to the grocery store instead, and bought all the stuff we'd get on our Subway Veggie Delights.
 I spent about the same amount of $ we would have spent at Shlubway, and now we have several meals worth of food. And that's WITH me spending the extra change to get the pre-sliced sandwich pickles. Store brand. So there.
  Let me interject here on the matter of Subway restaruants. Or, more specifically, the Subway sandwich artists. I've dined at several Subway locations throughout my life and the same thing happens every time. I'll ask for light- just a LITTLE BIT - of mustard (or whatever drippy condiment that makes sense with my sandwich choice) and they never give me just a little. I always have to stop them somewhere on the THIRD swing as they squeeze the bottle and wave it back and forth over and over. A little bit! That's one, maybe two passes. That's plenty. Egads.

 Uh, where was I? Making your own subs. You can control the volume of mustard. You can put the mustard on BEFORE the toppings too. Hmm? How's that? You can use a knife to spread it, so it reaches all the way to the end of the bun, instead of lying in a thick pool in the center. Plus, you have the option of Miracle Whip over Mayo if you swing that way.

 Here's what Liv's sub looked like. I feel like I am more of a sandwich artist than those professional sandwich artists with their acne and their homework they do after work. Hmpf.

I don't like olives. There were none on mine.

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