Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 50: Friday Dec 7 ~ Pizza Spaghetti ~

~ Pizza Spaghetti ~

Wow - is it really Day 50 already?
If you want to skip my drama and see the's at the bottom of the post!

If you have been dying to read my ramblings, here you go....
So - again we were plagued by the fast food monster - but opted instead for pizza spaghetti. ;0
There are a few reasons why this is rearing its ugly head again.
1. STRESS - Jesse just got a job (yeah!), dealing with that transition - a very good, awesome transition but some changes. I have a final project due in 3 hours that I am only half way through as I type this. It will somehow magically come together - I hope. And well, regular life stuff, right?
2. DAIRY - so we went out with Jesse's family on Sunday and I had ice cream because it was pre-ordered for us, like regular whole cream dairy ice cream. Okay and then I had half a Big Boy's hot fudge sundae ice cream cake and half a box of Christmas cookies. Let's just say I should have opted for alcohol earlier! And just refused the ice cream regardless! On the way home we picked up regular milk, because we agreed to do a cookie order (first one since we've been focusing on plant-strong/September, we gave the cookie biz up for a while mostly for time but partly for food choices, but made an exception here). Anyway, because we had regular milk in the house, and because I was stressed and already off the wagon, I used it for my cereal. I didn't touch the eggs or butter which we also bought for this project. But I used the milk for a bowl of cereal. Doing that made me crave cheese, and made me crave more milk - so it just kept nagging at me all week. So much so that part of why we had cereal on Wednesday is because earlier we ate pizza - like regular $5 Little Caesar's pizza. I should have confessed this on Wednesday because I've felt so guilty. ;0 Anyway - even though by this point in the week I was feeling sick (when you're off meat, dairy, oil and you have some, especially high quality choices [sarcasm] like I made this week - you can tell a difference! Especially when some health issues clear up when you're 'clean' and for some reason reappear when you .) - because I had really just blown it by now (increasing my stress level), I really just wanted to give it up - the blog, my plant-strong goals, just everything - back to McDonald's every night for me.
But Jesse did an amazing thing yesterday and instead of getting us Subway (because even though my spirit was at the Big Mac level I really wasn't happy with the way I was feeling and didn't want to continue it), so anyway he saved us and got components for our own Veggie Delights. This was very important. I feel that if he would have gotten Subway yesterday, it would have been very easy for me to say - let's get McDonald's - tonight...and back to previous life we go.... But - he held fast (THANK YOU!) - and so tonight it was my turn to say, NO - I don't want to go down that path again - we will cook at home tonight!!
And so....incredibly long story long...we did!

Pizza Spaghetti
He said spaghetti (I had a meal plan ready but it was more complicated and we didn't have time) - I thought that sounded good...then I started thinking pizza spaghetti. Something to change it up, right?
So - I started the pasta up, then sauteed green and yellow peppers, tomato, mild pepper rings (the 'pizza' part), parsley, and basil for about 10 minutes until soft, dumped in a can of spaghetti sauce. Strained pasta, put in bowl, topped mine with olives - voila! Pizza spaghetti all set.

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