Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 56: Thursday Dec 13 ~ Salad, Pizza, and an Apology ~

~ Salad, Pizza, and an Apology ~
I saw this super fun idea at:
She'll make 5 'salads in a jar' on the weekend, then just grab and go. I think it's great, not only to better contain dressings/liquids with less spilling, but it's also fun and decorative. Much more exciting to me than seeing another plastic container stuffed with dry spinach. :)

SO...I've been feeling I need more salad lately, and this helped inspire me to start focusing on that for lunches. Thursday I made up a few, and decided to just make it easy and have it for dinner as well.
(This is her image, I'm typing at work so no picture on hand, sorry!)

Well, that was nice and all - the salad I mean - but I didn't make it hefty enough considering our days and was cold, Jesse had to stay late that day, he was told about his first paycheck coming through (meaning monies we had not anticipated), we were tired, and all these intersected to become the pizza trap. 
And of course I had not pre-prepped the pizza as I had promised! So...well, you know what happened.

The Apology
First, if you're reading this blog but not accessing it from my shares on Facebook - let me  apologize for my husband's decision to use harsh language regarding animal products. Well, if you know him, you know everything is at least half jest anyway - but if you don't, I can see that there might be room for offense. Regardless, that is not really the message I am trying to send out with this blog. Yes, I personally believe that a plant-strong diet is the healthiest for humans (body, finances, spirit), animals, and the environment. However, our choices might not be the right ones for you, at least not at this moment - and I respect that. I mean, a year ago we were just beginning to learn about this! And as you've seen, even though we're trying to get away from it - we've had some animal products within the last month - he even ate chicken on Monday when we went out with my family! Now that I've tattled, this will probably be the first post of mine he reads. ;0 Anyway - when my husband is posting, just take it with a grain of salt. I don't know that he is this way - okay, I guess I've caught both of us acting like this a little from time to time - I feel that some early 'vegans' tend to overcompensate and be a little aggressive. I think part of it is embracing the new way of thinking - all of the data is fresh in your mind, you're fighting with how you were raised and what society says (not to mention all the 'stuff' out there - subliminal marketing, just our current environment - you can't turn a corner without seeing something that you're trying to avoid) , you're also having to defend or explain yourself a lot and it can sometimes seem lonely (until you find a great group like Engine 2 Extra!). So it can sometimes be a challenging transition and I think in their excitement or resolve to maneuver these waters, sometimes people come off as antagonistic. 

I would however like to take the opposite approach - embracing the positives of all the new wonderful colors, flavors, and textures that have come into our lives as a result of this change. We have had so many wonderful health benefits as well. Jesse's A1C levels have dropped 2 points, we've both lost weight, we have more energy, and I am no longer in pain from my internal troubles - I think they may even be healing! I have also found that doing this has opened up new ways of thinking for me. I feel more hopeful. I feel that more things are possible for me. I know that I can change my life, and have power over my experiences. I do not ever really remember feeling these things at such deep levels before. I'm still in process, but I am now excited to see where this is going.
Well, that is all the reflection we have time for today! So, thank you for your patience with us!

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