Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day 51: Saturday Dec 8 ~ Pre-packaged Pizza

Pre-packaged Pizza

So yeah, we have a problem with pizza I think!
Jesse got this because he thought the 'Duo cheese' meant Daiya/vegan 'cheese' - and he really liked the pizza we had for his mom's birthday with the Daiya cheese on it (Buddy's)....but no, it meant 2 kinds of cheese! Either way - vegan or no, 'cheese' is going out after this! Vegan cheese is essentially just oil/fat, so it's really not all that better for you - no hormones like you have with dairy, but equally as bad for the body! Why does cheese have to be bad for me though? I do love the taste so....sigh. ;0
Growing up, pizza was a special treat in my family - maybe once or infrequently twice a month if things were going good I think, but regardless it was infrequent enough to be a big deal. Jesse's family celebrates almost all special occassions with pizza, and he says they would only have it once a month...but I wonder. He says he wants it just because it's good - sauce and cheese, what could be better? - but I think he's also attracted to the 'one item meal' - no fuss. Or maybe this is just his last holdout with cheese.

Anyway - when we got married, I was amazed at how frequently Jesse suggested pizza for dinner - still am, but now he's got me on the craving train. We rented his dad's basement at first, no kitchen though I did stir-fry a lot in an electric skillet, but dishes were a challenge. I remember many nights though with Domino's Philly Cheesesteak Pizza and Star Trek TNG or Transformers: BeastWars. And later on in our marriage when things were really tight and we had no business buying out, like our first night without electricity even - we'd scrape together our last $5 in change and get Little Caesar's. So yeah, it's been a real problem for a long while.
So - I'm going to do something about it! I got an excellent book, "Heart Healthy Pizza" by Mark Sutton. , (we took a few ideas from it - , but really haven't followed any of his pizza plans to the 't'. And the only reason for that is preparation. I actually had planned to make one of his pizzas yesterday, but I didn't prep it, we were doing cookies and finals (was that just yesterday?), etc.
How to remedy? Plan ahead - not tomorrow because first I have to reclaim my kitchen-let's be realistic here, but then my goal this week will be to create my stockpile of homemade plant-strong pizzas pre-frozen (or ingredients like the crusts, sauces) prepped and frozen.
It won't quite make Jesse happy because it won't have cheese on it - last time we made this, he said with a sad face that we really shouldn't call it pizza because it lacked the sauce and cheese! But hopefully following these recipes can help wean us off the stuff! And maybe one day we'll think of pizza as a yummy AND healthy thing!
Oh yeah - I'll actually COOK something tomorrow! :)

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