Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 66 !!! Victory !!!

Day 66 - We made it! 

Okay, it wasn't perfect, but it was still a victory.

We didn't cook every day - we had leftovers, we ate over my parent's house, we went out to eat for social occasions, and we did go out ourselves sometimes or even got pizza/fast/junk food some of the days, as you've seen if you've followed the blog.

But the main goal was to STOP our bad habit of buying fast food almost every day (or multiple times in a day)! And that HAS occurred!!
Of the 85 days since we first began (remember, we reset and refocused mid-way!), we had 8 days where we either ate out or ate junk for laziness or emotional reasons. This is a 91% success rate - I'm calling it a win!

So some days I still don't feel like cooking and that evil thought pops into my head - but more often than not I can quickly turn this down as I now know that:
* What I make will taste better than anything else out there.
* I will feel better (healthier and more satisfied) during and after I eat, if I choose to make my own food - feel better both emotionally and physically!
* I can come home and pull something together quickly, it doesn't have to be an ordeal.                      * I have the ability to plan, prepare in advance, keep the fridge and kitchen organized (and this helps immensely in keeping on track!)
* It just takes a little practice, you'll learn as you go along, it's possible to change your life! Change happens in the moment - we have a chance with every choice, with every meal, am I going to do what is right for me here? You don't have to start on a Monday, a new week, a new year. If you 'mess up' it's not the end of the world, you just make a better choice next time. Do your best, and yes, your best is good enough. Each step you take towards a healthy lifestyle will bring compound rewards in future motivation, energy, and lasting health - it is worth it!

What else we're taking away -if you read my post on Day 56, some of this will be familiar:
* Jesse's blood sugar is generally lower, and his A1C levels have dropped 2 points.
* I am now pain free!
* I lost 19 pounds  (even with all the Halloween and Christmas candy I've already eaten!), and Jesse has lost some weight of indeterminate amounts. Apart from some light walking and a few days of minimal stationary bike work, this is really all from our eating choices.
* I feel lighter and a little sleeker.
* We both have more energy. I was able to walk joyfully to and fro through the entire Greenfield Village yesterday for Holiday Nights and still be able to move the next morning - something that would not have happened a year ago. And this with a case of plantar fascitis (heel pain) due to poor shoe choices....ha!
* I sleep better when I'm eating right - more sound and restful.
* I have also found that doing this has opened up new ways of thinking for me. I feel more hopeful. I feel that more things are possible for me. I know that I can change my life, and have power over my experiences - and have proof of this!

Where are we going from here?
Well, I think we'll take a break for the holidays and then jump on the 21 Day Kickstart program! I am going to continue to post the dinners from this program because I feel it does help me to stay accountable to our choices. The desire to eat out is much lessened, but it's still there a little bit - so I'm not quite ready to give up the safety blanket. :)
If you're interested in joining us for the 21 Day Kickstart beginning January 7th:

Also - I am going to do an extra post on the weekends displaying a healthy baked good. I am not yet ready to give up the sweets, and I've learned that not planning to have some means that I occasionally buy junk on the way home! So, I am going to bake something healthy and super yummy once a week, keep little bits in the freezer (if I can!), and essentially find a way to have my cake and eat it, too!
Hey - you have to set yourself up for success, and if my current 'success' stage is eating home-made dessert made out of slightly healthier options (versus eating my historical choice of processed, or fast food junk made out of dairy and corn syrup) - so be it. It's a step. :)

THANK YOU for hanging in there with us, and for offering support, inspiration, and advice!
Happy Holidays, everyone! :)

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